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  • Writer's pictureDaphne Dator

Bringing Value Within: A Corporate Marketing Department Spotlight

More often than not, we usually tie the term “corporate” to images of big-shot companies and suits & ties which leaves some of us either daunted or clueless to what its essence really is. However, ACTM’s Corporate Marketing Department (CorMar), challenges this preconceived notion by bringing in value from external stakeholders towards the org and our members. Through reaching out to companies and partners, we strive to build onto ACTM’s org equity through integrating opportunities from these stakeholders into projects and initiatives. Beyond this, we simultaneously make sure that our work is well-aligned with the needs and wants of ACTM members.

What made you choose to take up a leadership position in this department?

Just like every other freshie,I was filled with doubt during my first year in ACTM, and didn’t have much of a sense of direction for my org life. All I knew was that I had a newfound passion for marketing (coming from an ABM background in high school) and ultimately I just ran with this in mind. It wasn’t until the latter end of freshman year where I found my drive and genuine passion to serve ACTM develop through CorMar, during my involvement as Sponsorships and co-Ambassadors Head (along with Cait Muñoz!) in Camp IMC 2021.

Aside from all the technical work, what led me to take on the role of AVP for CorMar Management was the supportive and constructive working environment of the department. Namely, I have our VP, Marts as well as the former AVP for CMM, Gab Batara for showing me the ropes and to eventually embark on this leadership journey alongside my co-AVPs, Pam and Adam. Though there may be an assumption that formality is a must 24/7, the art of work and play in our department is definitely present and can make us all collectively look beyond the surface level of our work.

What makes your department special/stand out from the others?

It can be said that our department is a two-way street between us and external partners and companies. There is a back and forth of independence and collaboration among us and our members given that a great deal of the department’s work relies on the insights and needs of these external stakeholders.

Most especially when you are tasked to be the face of ACTM, as well as its projects and initiatives, it definitely brings out your ability to be adaptable, strategic, and intentional. Because of all of the interactions and coordination that takes place in the department, it goes without saying that our members are exposed to the ins and outs of networking which continues to open doors for the organization and even for our CorMar managers.

Do you have any notable plans for your department for this school year?

In this coming semester, we’ve got a handful of initiatives up our sleeve! Firstly, we have the ACTM Beyond Card: Deals That Go Beyond, which is the annual privilege card of the org that gives everyone access to exclusive discounts and deals (calling all shopaholics!).

Aside from this, we’ve also opened up five initiative opportunities for our CorMar managers to get a feel of the different roles within the department. Not only this, but they’ll also get to work alongside other departments for their respective initiatives. In collaboration with the External Relations Department and ACTM Careers and Alumni Relations (CARS), we have the ACTM Subscription where we will be coordinating with companies to extend career and networking opportunities for the org. As for IMC Activated, this initiative with the Strategic Communications department is essentially a mini case competition to exercise our core competency, Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC).

Internally, we have the Partnerships Pool which will act as the official arm to assess proposals from external organizations and align these with the needs of our members. We’ll also be holding CorMar Challenges which will be an org-wide content sharing initiative to bring our members’ ideas to life. Lastly, the CorMar Roadmap is an initiative which will open an avenue for our managers to learn both soft and hard skills through ideating the development journey of a CorMar manager. All these initiatives root back to guiding our members who are eager to learn about professionally carrying themselves and the organization all while bridging ACTM to the opportunities of the business world and our partners.

What unique learning opportunities can your department offer to its members?

Within the CorMar Department, we center upon an environment that fosters competence, collaboration, and change. We see to it that our members are guided to become confident in communicating and representing their own ideas. In doing so, we heavily ensure that each and every member is also a team player and practices working hand-in-hand with one another even in the face of uncertainty. We also seek to deepen relations whether it be with partners and sponsors, or among our CorMar managers. Ultimately, it can be empowering to seek opportunities for ACTM and to represent the organization beyond Ateneo.

Beyond just the formality, pitches, and emails, we’re able to equip our members with communication skills that can be carried out even outside of org work and into their day-to-day lives. Here at CorMar, we value your growth and eagerness to learn all while guiding you to test your comfort zone and to invest in yourself through the soft and hard skills that you’ll pick up along the way.

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